Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 73,974    [ Give / Take ]


30 entries this month

01:56 Jul 31 2023
Times Read: 251

On a rare occasion the weather fits my mood. Today was such a day. Uncertainty, sadness, regret mixed with a touch of anger. Never a good way to spend the night, tossing and turning. Add fear into the mix as the day starts.

Thunder rolling in with a clear sky, the leaves on the trees outside move gently in the breeze. An energy unleashed. All with the first few messages.

Then a heavy rain, the steady beating of it on the metal roof joined the high winds. As the windchimes played- we talked it out.

Then they seemed to combine- the thunder returned, the rain.

Now darkness is falling with the last soft rain and, while we still have work to do to understand how our friendship got off the rails, the rain is smoothing. Like a cleaning of the air, washing the pollen and giving life to the grass and trees.

We cannot take back what was said, but we can understand why it was said. We learn from our mistakes. And I believe we both have come to understand how much our friendship is valued.

Online friendships are tricky- words can be read in ways that they are not meant to be. Anyone worth a friendship with is worth the effort to clear up misunderstandings.
I am learning this, slowly but surely.

But I still want my talking skillet. :)



10:40 Jul 31 2023

Lol Nice way of phrasing it. I would have to agree, myself, though, I thought the term was "a mistake is something you don't learn from - a mistake learned from is a lesson learned". But I guess that's just the way I was taught (old habits die hard).

20:16 Jul 31 2023



23:27 Jul 28 2023
Times Read: 323

dwaynemcgriff01 finally got to level 200!! Welcome to the newest Royal. :)

And now he is back in my Alliance, home as he was in it back in 2011 when I first started it. A truly loyal friend over the many years we have known each other. And always so kind, never rude to anyone.

And his Coven in my Alliance bring it up to 3. More posting but I loving having active Covens in my Alliance.

Congratulations to you Dwayne. Well earned!



23:30 Jul 28 2023

Congratulations Dwayne

23:44 Jul 28 2023

Thank you so much Vampirewitch39 and thank you Falsexcure

07:24 Jul 29 2023

Nice going, man.

18:16 Jul 29 2023


21:13 Jul 29 2023

Thank you guys

02:33 Jul 30 2023

Way to go Dwayne :)

02:34 Jul 30 2023

Congrats D!!!


19:42 Jul 28 2023
Times Read: 337

Damn it is hot outside. I mean- HOT. This morning at 7:45 a.m. temperature was 76 with humidity of 80%. In and out in it all day as it climbed into the mid 90's.

The 5 minutes it took for me to apply makeup this morning was a total waste before 8 a.m. as I empty out the trunk of the cases of pop I got on sale back before the 4th. And by 10:00 a..m. I needed another shower.

I don't know how people are handling this heat. I mean- I was in a nice AC SUV, into homes with AC. Just those odd times I had to be outside, loading, unloading, taking into the home. Going to this store, going inside. Windows up and down as drug stores, bank. Its like walking into a oven.

Got me to thinking- I worked outside for 35 plus years. I would say 80% of my work in the spring, summer, Fall was outside. But I really don't think I could do it now. These last 7 years of being a caregiver, in a home with air/ heat, has taken that ... stamina out of me.

It just reinforced why I love winter. even if I had to work in it. Cold I can handle, layers and layers of clothing, gloves, hats. But summer? 56 days till Fall, ya all. 56 and I will be counting.



20:09 Jul 28 2023

It's down right disrespectful! By 10 am it was 87 here and now at 3 its 95. It's hotter than a damn mole orgy in a black wool sock placed next to Satan's left nut sitting on his throne in the depths of hell. I am not going to leave the confines of my home unless I have to that is for sure! Mother nature needs to turn the heat off and put on a damn sweater if she's cold!

20:44 Jul 28 2023

I agree seems the older I get the less I like the heat of summer...come on Fall

22:10 Jul 28 2023

It is awfully hot. I can't wait for it to break.

00:04 Jul 29 2023

everyone please be safe in that heat

03:26 Jul 29 2023

Oh, believe me, I am pretty much right there with you all. Granted, I almost never wear a typical jacket, but still - I don't like having pretty much no choice bu to feel like I'm naked. I feel at home in my old-fashioned 'Gothic' attire, and I've been left barely even wearing a tank top and trousers.
The messed up part is that I'm originally from the deserts of the Middle East, so I can only imagine what my old homeland has been experiencing.


14:39 Jul 27 2023
Times Read: 375

About that time of year when the kids get back in school. A prison for them most of the day. But maybe back to a routine. Like getting up early, going to bed at a reasonable hour.

Instead of setting off fireworks at 9:15 pm. And at one freaking ten this morning!! Really!!

*Rat yawns, scratches.*

And all on a day I must be polite, trying to hold a conversation during a meeting at 2 p.m.

Yes- let the prisoning of children commence . Throw the little shits into the hell of a routine.



18:55 Jul 27 2023

Sooooo that's why.... I was wondering. Yes now that is not cool at all! At least you only have to be polite for the meeting, after that you can gnaw anyone that so needs it a new one. lol. :D *hugs*

21:47 Jul 27 2023

Yep time for lockup again! lol

01:41 Jul 28 2023

Oh, believe you me, I know that sensation a little too well.
Especially now, since I've returned to my music.

Granted, myself being more of the nocturnal side, but I can still understand. And the messed up thing is that (if I am understanding my latest scenario correctly) I have three weeks of training I don't even need about to hit. 09:00-16:30 (9am-4:30pm, for those unfamiliar with 24 hr time), which puts me in quite a situation, considering I also take care of a fellow veteran, during the day.


17:25 Jul 26 2023
Times Read: 415

While I know you most likely not see this , just wanted to mark The Puppy's birthday. RedQueen, my daring crazy southern drinking buddy, love you.

Hope our next visit we talked about works out. As the few we have had always lead to some fun times. :)

If you have her as a friend on other sites, message her. Facebook didn't tell me, VR did. :)




17:26 Jul 25 2023
Times Read: 512

In case you missed it- the Covens have been cut by half. Or abouts that. Dead inactive Covens closed by the great MooniePie.

That means if you had an alt profile in one, you might want to log in and see about it.

And the remaining Coven Master will need to stay active.

Fully back this as slim pickings for members to have so many Covens.

Now when a member joins, they will be inside an active, friendly societies



18:23 Jul 25 2023


18:23 Jul 25 2023

about time for clean up! :D

18:52 Jul 25 2023

i agree good call moonie!

18:53 Jul 25 2023

and vw of course

20:01 Jul 25 2023

Oh no my call. Just put it out so those with alts can be finding them.

20:01 Jul 25 2023

Not my call..

21:45 Jul 25 2023

I'm going to start keeping a closer eye on them. So, that's everyone's warning for making sure you sign in at least once in 30 days.

06:21 Jul 26 2023

Good idea!, I love it

19:33 Jul 26 2023

good deal moonie

00:12 Jul 29 2023

ok moonie


15:57 Jul 24 2023
Times Read: 554

If the world was ran by medical professionals...

Attitude and a half.

On both sides.

They started it!



00:39 Jul 25 2023

Kick their butt, Rat!

16:19 Jul 25 2023

To be brutally honest about it, there is already attitude and a half, with the idiots in the world offices. Having medical professionals taking up that space would only make it at least four times worse.

06:22 Jul 26 2023

I wish my heart doctor did better,


01:59 Jul 23 2023
Times Read: 576

Nightgame in the CHAT? Who could of seen that? :D



03:57 Jul 23 2023

I was there... I witnessed it... it is now forever etched in the history books!


14:01 Jul 22 2023
Times Read: 597

Start of my weekend going well. It's 8:35 a.m. and still in bed. No text or call from sis so take it all going well.

While I have my own housework, laundry to get to I don't have to hit the ground running. Or even walking. I can just take a nap even since the bed is warm and cozy. Same way I am feeling right now - warm and needing to cozy up. :)



18:44 Jul 22 2023

A nap sounds like a wonderful thing! I love the days where there has to be no timed agenda and things can be done at leisure as need be.

19:18 Jul 22 2023

Naps are good.

21:59 Jul 22 2023

They are. :) It makes my sleep schedule all wacky, but then I really just like to not do the normal on the weekend. But pay for it come Monday.

01:48 Jul 23 2023

I may get to sleep past 8am on Tuesday lol


14:09 Jul 21 2023
Times Read: 629

My mood? Alexa just started playing Boogie Nights in the mix 😆😁

*Rat spins, dancing*




18:16 Jul 21 2023

WOOT WOOT! Party up in the Rats journal! Let's boogie! *hangs the disco ball*

19:30 Jul 21 2023

I've got the guitar and mixing station, if needed. But I'm not much good with 70's pop-rock.
**Feeling a bit awkward, there**


07:26 Jul 20 2023
Times Read: 693

Rats are beautiful creatures. Especially when it comes to this Rat.

I can see traps set for me.
I know when someone is baiting me.
And I can recognize another Rat when I see one.

Taken years. Some falls.

But this Rat does fall easy these days.

Because I have no issues say Fuck Off. :)



07:48 Jul 20 2023

No one better be baiting our Rat!

13:08 Jul 20 2023

*lays cheese curls in neat row and scurries off to find more*

13:37 Jul 20 2023

Is someone really stupid enough to mess with you??


17:47 Jul 19 2023
Times Read: 716

It's that time of year again. :D

Fall decorations are popping up. In catalogs, on websites, in stores. And with the Fall comes Halloween.

What a beautiful time of the year. When all the muggy hot weather ends so I can enjoy the outside. Colorful leaves to watch the campfire cast its light on. To the string lights, pumpkins, and scarecrows.

104 days to Halloween.
66 days till Fall.

Not that I'm counting or anything... :);



20:07 Jul 19 2023


03:04 Jul 20 2023

Yes please bring on Fall!

09:17 Jul 20 2023

You already know I'm ready for it to hit. Hopefully, this time, I actually have a reason to go out for a night on the town/city.

23:00 Jul 25 2023

Did you see that Bath & Body Works has fall scents... one called Vampire Blood!

23:34 Jul 25 2023

I did not! Wil have to look. I know Yankee Candle has some candles already on the website.


09:23 Jul 17 2023
Times Read: 763

Random entry so flow with it. Get low with it. lol

Sometimes the night calls to me. Temperatures have been high but seems my inner need to just be in the darkness is to strong to be ignored. So it finds me outside at 2:40 a.m.

And it's lovely. I miss my darker days. Cooler days.

My energy calls for the darkness most days, and I need that balance. It's not just the nighttime but a inner darkness. A place I can leave certain feelings, thoughs. And maybe, in a way, to recharge.

I need to work on the balance. When I feel it's pull, I need to heed it call. I believe these last few years have been so much loss that I might of feared the darkness. If my light was this shitty, what will it bring...

But I sit, thinking how much I hate hot weather...and know the inner voices that have been trying to speak are not negative. The darkness can bring clarity. A cleaning, a sorting of my feelings. And it wipes my inner voice clean.

Of late I noticed changes. Some I accept as needed. Some I can hear my parent's voices warning me. And my own...I have my own experiences too at this age. Not all is what they seem is the theme tonight as I sit in the dark, letting myself hear.

Peace. Forgiveness. Understanding. A warning. And self love.

Instead of pushing that darkness aside as long as I can, maybe I need to see that the ligh might be the bad pert this time. Yes, the darkness is balance. Instead of a place to place, playout, give into the negative...when your days are negative..maybe what you need is that darkness.

And this will make no sense to anyone but me. :)

Now time to go back inside as I dont wish to wait the hour to sunrise. It was the darkness that becken me to visit.

A few more hours of sleep before life starts again.



01:27 Jul 18 2023

i love night time weather

18:17 Jul 19 2023

So very well said.


21:25 Jul 16 2023
Times Read: 787

Popcorn- check
Diet Pepsi- check
VR Running in the background- check
Renfield movie started- check.

*loving a lazy Sunday*



22:53 Jul 16 2023

Those are the best! Ours is mostly lazy... had to run out to get a few groceries but that wasn't bad... aside from that its cooking dinner and chilling. Yesterday was the crazy busy day.

23:31 Jul 16 2023

I have been nothing but lazy all weekend!!

00:34 Jul 17 2023

I mowed the lawn and did laundry today and worked on the stairs a little. I should have been lazy with you ladies.


17:39 Jul 15 2023
Times Read: 823

Just to have, remind me to look up her music and make a playlist. :) And it fits my mind frame today.



18:17 Jul 15 2023

I'm going to have to look up her music as well, fits the music I like.

20:32 Jul 15 2023

I almost want to say I resent this one, because I so frequently seem to be taken as "the devil". Lol *A* devil, maybe.

23:30 Jul 16 2023



22:56 Jul 14 2023
Times Read: 872

I got to see Ducky's pork. I got to see Ducky's pork.

*stops singing, thinking of a way to make that sexy, shrugs and sings*

I got to see Duckys porker. I got to see Duckys porker.



22:59 Jul 14 2023

My porker is both long and thick.

22:59 Jul 14 2023

Bet most men can't say that. Ha!

23:04 Jul 14 2023

You saw the Ducks long thick sausage!?! I don't know that many can boast this fact!


01:26 Jul 14 2023
Times Read: 908

So one of my best friend and I do a call every night, using the 'drop in' with Alexa. It is just easier for us. That way I can move about the home, doing this and that. And she can do her last work, or whatever she wants. Hands free is great when you can talk for hours at a time.

Her cat- the little turd, hates me tonight.

Talking to her and then Alexa hangs up. Call her back and she tells me the cat got up off her chest, walked right over to it and tap the top. Just like he knew the 'off button'. She just laughs and laughs. We joked guess it was done listening to me talking.

So we go back to talking about our day when I hear "NOooo No!" and it hangs up again. Now I called her back, what happen? "What?" "Alex hang up..." And my Alexa hung up on her. :D *insert silly laughter*

We call back, laughing. Her cat was trying to throw up, and she must of hit the button as she tried to get him away from her work computer. "You have driven him to throwing up - so fed up with you talking." she joked.

Well I had the last laugh, as she noticed as we was getting ready to hang up, the cat had threw up beside her desk. The wheel, her cables soaked.

HA! Told you he is a little turd. :P

And listen little shit- no more treats for you.



01:34 Jul 14 2023

lol until you look into his so pretty eyes


22:33 Jul 13 2023
Times Read: 925

Well that went better then expected. Turned into just shy of a 2 hour meeting. Really it was mostly him telling us about his life, new baby, wife, how he won national for his weight class on body building. He isn't hard on the eyes, I'll admit.

And a whole lot more. Including a beating of over 100 hits by someone he could not touch. 2nd degree concussion, damage to hie eye. If he wasn't built like a brick way, sure it would of been way worse. If you saw the man, you would know what I'm talking about.

But he talked so much, we just had a little bit to do business. More then enough tho to .....you know what? Nevermind. Time for a shower, then dinner.



23:57 Jul 13 2023

You taking applications for what position exactly???? *big eyes*

00:43 Jul 14 2023

Damn he was that easy on the eyes, it made you need a shower? lol

02:04 Jul 14 2023

*snorts* OH MY GOD... I needed that shower as I just did my workout. The other time I needed a shower tonight.. well.. ;)

02:09 Jul 14 2023



17:41 Jul 12 2023
Times Read: 966

What is with the freaking ads today? Look VR, I do have a life. So yes, I take pauses to live said life. Doesn't mean everytime I pop on for a few to check the site, its members, doesn't mean I need to fight you to do it.

And while I'm on this soapbox- how about not showing the ad with the man? Woman? Clutching the groin area with the red pain image. Ouch. No clue, nor do I want to know what that ad is for. And I see one more....one more * point finger* blister, bubble up stomach image about how to get rid of belly fat I'm just going to cuss ya. You've been warned now.

*one last finger point from the irritated Rat*

Bet I post this and will get yet another ad to back out of.



20:33 Jul 12 2023

Well, if you're on your phone, that would probably be why. It helps to have an ad-blocker set up. Hence why I don't bother going on here with my phone, most of the time, even when I'm away from the computer for days on end. I'll just leave it alone until I have my computer.

01:53 Jul 13 2023

Get the ads VW! Tell them! Make them listen so we can all suffer less!

06:00 Jul 13 2023

well said vw

23:57 Jul 13 2023

*cheers* Go Rat Go!


20:18 Jul 11 2023
Times Read: 1,012

I knew I shouldn't of done it. But it was just...there, and so pretty. You know you want it. But I paid for it. And it wasn't even that good.

1. Me eating a ripe yellow tomato, getting on my blouse as it was a squirter. And did not want to go get the salt shaker.


2. Found new buttons in the Facebook Messager, and had to see them. Which lead to Moonie saying I'm stroking out. And Ducky flicking a bean.


Your pick dear reader. *goes to dry off, clean up*

Ha...that could work for both two. ;)



20:19 Jul 11 2023

Ahhh hahahaha

Idk they're both pretty believable.

20:23 Jul 11 2023

O.o lol

20:39 Jul 11 2023

I feel this is a double dose of you done gone and done it... LOL!

21:48 Jul 11 2023

yikes I'm sorry :)

00:22 Jul 12 2023


05:03 Jul 12 2023

I knew you ladies were goof balls, but this... Lol


18:21 Jul 10 2023
Times Read: 1,058

You need to learn, to change the attitude above forgiveness.

You forgive others.

You understand they may be having a stressful day.

You forgive the ones who just might not feel well, leaving more on you to do.

You forgive words spoken in anger, knowing it is just a outburst of emotions.

You forgive when someone hurts your feelings. Knowing they love you.

But yet...

You can give forgiveness to yourself.

When it comes down to it-- you should be the one you forgive the most.



00:22 Jul 12 2023

So true!


21:59 Jul 08 2023
Times Read: 1,130

Just pointing out- I have no one blocked on this Admin account. I did this, so you would not have the ability to claim you are unable to contact any Admin. You have been unblocked for weeks, as you well know.

Just going to correct that little snippet.



22:03 Jul 08 2023

HA! I almost made a post very similar. I have only one member blocked but not her mother, whom I unblocked a LONG time ago... so the accusations of being incapable of messaging ANY admins is total crap.

22:15 Jul 08 2023

Same. I have no one blocked on any of my accounts, so yeah, there are Admins who are available if they need us. They just want a reason to bitch.

22:19 Jul 08 2023

Same ole' song and dance.

22:52 Jul 08 2023

I had them unblocked until very recently.

23:54 Jul 08 2023

To whomever this is about, I ain't got you blocked and you haven't messaged me so pbht!

16:32 Jul 09 2023

Ridiculous. I wish that Cancer would just get fed up and zap those accounts into cyberspace. :-)


00:35 Jul 08 2023
Times Read: 1,150

Watching Netflix documentary on Wham!

I forgot just how much I loved this group.

And George's hair.

Jitterbug. *finger snap snap*



03:03 Jul 08 2023

I loved Wham as well.


23:06 Jul 06 2023
Times Read: 1,178

Slains Castle is a ruined castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. But the inspirational it gave Bram Stoker is one of the most well-known gothic books. Dracula Castle.

It had no doorbell or knocker, just like the book. The 8-sided room is there.

Said as his family stayed in the area, he acted strange during the time it took to write the book. Losing himself into the role of the Vampire. He visited the castle several times, last only a few years before his passing.

1916, the castle had to sell, ending over 300 years of one family ownership. Soon after it was stripped bare and fallen into ruin. Today it is a shell of its former glory.

125th anniversary of Dracula was celebrated there in 2022. The great grandnephew of Bram Stoker attended.


** What you learn watching a show called Mysteries of the Abandoned of Discovery Channel. And of course, I watch anything that has to do with Abandoned and Old buildings.



23:08 Jul 06 2023

That's both sad and fascinating

00:06 Jul 07 2023

In Scotland no less I so want to go there some day.

00:41 Jul 07 2023

Me too Unfiltered, me too.

00:42 Jul 07 2023

M cousin got to go a few years ago, she loved it. I still got to explore my new town and the old historical building which I live next to one...lol


23:35 Jul 05 2023
Times Read: 1,210

Lustful demons are the best kind.




23:38 Jul 05 2023



21:44 Jul 05 2023
Times Read: 1,221

Have had a headache all day, woke up with it. Just now starting to ease off. Looking at the screen isn't making it worst, but not good enough to do any coding I wanted to do tonight.

Will see if the screen still bothers my eyes.



22:19 Jul 05 2023

Owie, owie go away!

23:38 Jul 05 2023

I hope you feel better soon. 😘

12:50 Jul 06 2023

Headaches are the worst.


22:06 Jul 04 2023
Times Read: 1,298

Funny how when the big spinning moon comes on- you log out.

It's very telling.



22:18 Jul 04 2023

Same ol song and dance.

22:23 Jul 04 2023

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

22:29 Jul 04 2023

He's scary, duh.

01:38 Jul 05 2023



13:36 Jul 03 2023
Times Read: 1,332

Happy and sad day here.

Happy birthday to my sister! May it be wonderful! We started with breakfast out, her pick as I offered to cook. But she wants to go back to sleep. ;) such a night owl. But that is fine as I have cake to make, dinner to get ready for.

Sad as the other pair of her, her identical twin, passed a few years ago. Has it been close to two years? Seems like it was just yesterday, that call in the middle of the night. 150 miles away as they still had Covid 19 protocol in place.

Happy/ Sad. Happy Birthday sis. Take care of the pups as storms passing. Know we miss you every day. 💔

Trying to stay in the happy part, but she comes to the front too. Did I say identical twin that most could not tell apart?



18:15 Jul 03 2023

I'm sorry for your loss.

18:58 Jul 03 2023

Thank you.

00:16 Jul 04 2023

I love you sugar.

00:33 Jul 04 2023

Sorry for your loss VW *hugs*

14:34 Jul 04 2023

Reaching out with best wishes to your end. I know, all too well, how it is. It makes keeping going a major bitch.

15:54 Jul 04 2023



15:40 Jul 02 2023
Times Read: 1,406

Dear Journal.
As I sit and write to you today I wonder what crazy words will be put onto a screen today. What the gods of the keyboards will bring forth…

Rat stop typing to reach for her morning cup of hot chocolate, only to frown. “VODKA! My hot chocolate is not here!” “Coming Mistress” Rat turns as the cute little pixie like young lady rushes in, the cup of goodness in her hands. “It is just the way you like it, hot, 4 miniature marshmallows, with a sprinkle of shaved dark chocolate.”
Rat take the tall silver cup and sips, pleased. “And?” The pixie eyes open wide. “I forgot Mistress! I will … be right back…” Rat watches as she runs off and turns back to her computer.

As I was saying journal, what will VR bring forth today? After 11 years of being an Admin, that is 3 years more than 8 years of being a regular member just so you know, of the total 17 years on the site- you would think nothing new could be bought forth. And I see that it hasn’t. Nothing new in being accused of playing favorites.

Rat pauses as the pixies returns, dressed in the French maid outfit, heels. “Now that is how I like my pet to look. Now- how about some cookies to go with this?” holding up her tall silver cup. “Right away Mistress” Vodka turns and rushes to do as told.

Rat drinks, still waking up, knowing of the work waiting on the site, the profiles to check, the journals to read, the ports and stream to see if any rules broken. The forum to check all are playing nicely. She hears pans and bowls rattling as she turns back to her journal. “Extra chips, the way I like them!” “Yes mistress, as you wish.”

As I was saying- nothing new. I myself made Sire in 7 months, and that was just me playing on the site, not knowing how to build up percentages, etc. Others- who understand the ways of building up those same percentage, can do it in 4 months. Maybe even less.

And to think just because you do not ‘see’ a member online, that they might not be online, is silliness. Lurking is a wonderful tool. Unfortunately, one I use sparely as and Admin I have to be available to members who report issues.

Issues like those cheating the systems, journals that get panties in a twist, kismets, ratings of ones, blinded in Coven or Houses, comments on journals they don’t like, not advancing in levels is only a few of the issues we deal with daily.

Rat stops, drinking as she smells the cookies baking.

In fact, dear journal, the site would be half the work if it wasn’t for the drama the members bring to the table. Case in point- even poor Vodka being called out, by name, and still my little pet is here making me my morning treats. Such a good pet she is. I picked well with her I believe.

But let’s be clear journal, I know this wasn’t started by you. No I understand who whispered it into your ears. It was in the wind months ago. When he was called out on his manipulation of said member, and so many other females on the site. Revenge is best served with a quick stab in the back, you see.

So when you talk of puppets on a string- you might want to cut the strings he brings. Just a friendly warning, dear lover of the AI is not your friend. Nor does he have the ‘good of the site’ as you put it at his core. Too many games, not enough players. Word gets around in a small pond.

Rat yawns as Vodka returns with hot cookies on a plate. “Mistress, your cookies, extra chips.” She places it on the desk, pets the Rat on the head, and walks off with a sway of her hips. Rat take a cookie, and smiles. It is good to have a pet.

And with that journal- I have one last comment, and not for the one who strings are being pulled, but for the one hiding back stage.

Checkmate motherfucker- your move.



16:25 Jul 02 2023

*scurries around her mistress licking her toes*

16:28 Jul 02 2023

Opps I mean Mistress....forgive me I forgot to capitalize....should I expect a flogging??? *smirks and prances*

16:28 Jul 02 2023

Ewww... lol

16:30 Jul 02 2023

Hard to punish you when any punishment would be seen as pleasure.


00:25 Jul 01 2023
Times Read: 838

Had time today due to the storm, no fishing to do something I have threatened to do for a while- cut my hair. Not back to the pixie I wore most of my life, but darn close to it. I wore a pixie cut most of my life in regard to my work. My hair is thick, but it really thick and heavy at the neckline, back of skull. As in if I am hot, sweaty- front is fine but damp at the back. Also the section that takes forever to dry, and never really curls good as its just too heavy.

So today having been soaked twice in the rain doing food pickup shopping- I made the "Today is the day, bitch. You are going to get cut." promise as water drips down my back. I lost the lady who usually cut my hair as she mostly has closed her shop. So I went to Cost Cutters, walk in. Yes, I know. Curly hair is hard to cut and I know this. But I also know its very forgiving to a bad cut.

I had a photo of what I wanted. The lady who took me as her customer, I found out later, has only been cutting hair 3 or 4 months. Later, remember that point. So I sit, she plays with my hair as I show her what I wanted. Was open to some changes if she thinks its not the right cut but I really needed the bulk of the thick hair off my back. An undercut is what I kept hinting at, layer it into the curls.

First thing she did is wet it down. I sat, for the third time today as I am soaked. Then she took a brush to it. Well- she tried a comb, and it tug my head and I gave her a look of "Really? I don't brush my hair- wide tooth comb!" but kept my mouth shut. Nothing like a pissed off woman with scissors to end up with a shitty cut. She used a brush, and I could just see the curls flatten out. Not a good sign as curls, when drying, shorten your hair. What is a 'at the ear' for my hair, wet it is at the shoulders. Thus- curls.

She starts pinning up the top, tugging it up, when one of the ladies I noticed was watching. When she gently leaned my head forward and I hear the clippers is when it got interesting. "What are you doing?" one asked. And the clippers are turned off. My lady and another lady who had trim my hair before start having a discussion. Another one joins. That is when I hear how she is just out of school. And not really cut curly hair, maybe once. Great. I swear it was my hair getting revenge. "You going to cut me bitch? Fine... see how you like this."

But one of the woman, who did not have a customer, steps in and mostly does my cut as she explained how curls weight is different, how you have to take into account the weight when you thin it out. And all the cut was done with scissors but for the trimming of my hair line. She showed the woman how to 'fluff' my curls so she could see how they will lay once dried, not combed out flat. This is why most people cut my hair dry. She handed me back over to the lady, once she made the weight line, the V of the cut for my neck, and watched her do the front, side trim. And had to remind her to fluff, to see how it looked, cut little at a time. She would comb it back, cute, move on but the woman would say "Fluff it, you can't cut her hair like it is straight. Fluff it, see the placement, then comb it back, cut, fluff, look to see the weight of it, how it lays..." I swear I was a test dummy. And why it usually take a good 30 minutes to cut my hair. It would of gone faster if she hadn't wet it down, let the curls lead her to what needed trimming.

At the end she asked if I like it, and I do. I think. The lady checked her work, touched up a few things as she showed her the mistakes. It frizzy- but that is the combing. And it needs to be styled by me, products into it as all the three times it was soaked today has dried it out. Yes- water dries out the curls. Why I try and only wash two times a week. And creams, gels are a curly girl's friend as they love moisture, just the right kind of moisture. Oils? My hair hates oils. But a good cream- it curls up for me perfectly.

Lesson learned - book ahead, get the lady who came to my rescue today.



01:13 Jul 01 2023

Hope you got her name, sis. Glad you got it your way at least.

14:47 Jul 01 2023

Can't wait to see it. Sounds like I'd have needed a valium to get through that ordeal. LOL.

15:31 Jul 02 2023

I can somewhat relate. In my case, that's why I keep my hair tied up in a "man bun", most of the time. But I also don't trust any "professional" near my scalp - scissors or trimmers. Not happening. The last time I did, I told them, specifically, "Only a light trim (an inch or so), to get rid of splits".
Lo and bloody behold, the fucker butchered my head (almost literally). Ever since then, I trim my own scalp. I keep my own scissors, trimmers, and I'll even use one of my knives, if I need to.
Mind you, I was also sworn to an oath, years ago, to keep my hair as long as possible, because my mentor (a two war veteran) held quite strongly to the Native American traditions.

18:59 Jul 03 2023

Estrange - your hair looks stunning, so healthy.

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